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Posthornschnecke Rosa
- Order number: SW10095
- Gewicht: 0,01 kg
- Deutsche Nachzuchten
- Exklusive Auswahl
- Viele Zahlungsmöglichkeiten
General information: The pink posthorn snail originally comes from Florida and has a brown coloration in its natural form. Through targeted selection, the pink and blue colored snails were created. With its light pink shell, the pink posthorn snail is a dream come true for many snail lovers. These snails enjoy consuming algae and are therefore suitable for any aquascape! The animals we offer are exclusively original German offspring (DNZ).
Keeping: The posthorn snails should be kept in aquariums with a tank volume of at least 12 liters or more. We furthermore recommend reading our blog post on the proper acclimation of snails after a transport.
Reproduction: Posthorn snails are hermaphrodites. Therefore, reproduction is very simple. The pink posthorn snail is capable of self-fertilization! However only a small portion of the eggs laid by these snails are viable. The amount of reproduction depends on how much food the snails get. If you want to have a lot of pink posthorn snails in your aquarium, make sure that you feed them a very varied and snailfriendly diet.
Socialization: Pink posthorn snails can be kept together with shrimps or fish in an aquarium. If you want to maintain a pure pink coloration of the shell when breeding, it is best to keep your pink post horn snails with similarly colored animals.
Food: The pink posthorn snails are omnivores! A varied and snail-friendly diet is recommended. The pink post horn snails are considered recyclers in the aquarium. These snails eat algae and plant remains as well as leftover fish, shrimp and crab food such as vegetables, brown autumn leaves and even dead animals in the aquarium. This is why these snails are known as recyclers. The pink posthorn snail is not only pretty to look at, but also really useful for a healthy aquascape! In our store we offer a wide range of snail food sticks. Please note, that complementary feeding will result in a strong reproduction of the pink posthorn snail and possibly avoid damage to the housing.
Substrate: We recommend fine gravel as substrate for keeping pink posthorn snails, which regularly makes its rounds around the aquarium.
Markus' comment: There is no reason not to keep pink posthorn snails! The pink posthorn snails look great and are excellent waste recyclers for every aquarium.
Fact sheet about the pink post horn snail (DNZ):
Scientific name: Planorbella duryi
German name: Rosa Posthornschnecke
Origin: North America
Life expectancy: Approximately 2 years
Size: Approximately 2,5 cm
Reproduction: Easy
Aquarium size: At least 12 liters
Difficulty: Easy
Water parameters:
Temperature: 15-30°C
PH: 6,5-8,8
GH: 4-25
KH: 3-16
Conductance: 150-850 ms
Water parameters in our breeding facility:
Temperature: 22-24 °C
PH: 6,5-7,2
Conductance: 300-500 ms
Super agil
Tolle, kleine Schnecken mit schöner Farbe. Haben sich nach wenigen Sekunden bereits auf den Weg gemacht. Abholung auch kein Problem
Sehr schöne Schnecken
Sehr schöne Schnecken, gut verpackt und auch in Frankreich gut angekommen, vielen Dank.