Blue Dream Garnele - DNZ
- Order number: SW10008
- Gewicht: 0,10 kg

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General information: The Blue Dream shrimp originates from Asia. This shrimp is perfect for color enthusiastic shrimp lovers and breeders. We also have a premium version of the Blue Dream shrimp available which has an excellent color coverage. The Blue Dream shrimp comes from the Neocaridina family: With its dark blue color this enchantingly beautiful Dwarf-shrimp has quickly conquered the hearts of many enthusiastic breeders! Please keep in mind that light and dark spots can occur, when breeding these shrimps. The Blue Dream shrimp is the best choice, if you want to start breeding shrimp. They are perfect for beginners who want to try their luck with breeding. The animals we offer are exclusively German offspring (DNZ).
Keeping: Ideally the water for the Blue Dream shrimp should have a slightly acidic to hard pH level. We strongly recommend keeping Blue Dream shrimps in aquariums with a tank volume of 20 liters or more, even though they can already be kept in an aquarium with a min. of 10 liters. Blue Dream Shrimp love places they can retreat to, such as hiding places in between plants or inside aquarium decorations. In our store we offer various decorations and hiding places! Please note: Shrimp feel more comfortable in groups and should therefore be kept together with a min. of 10 animals or more. In larger aquariums you can also start with 20 or more animals.
Reproduction: The Neocaridina are shrimps with a specialized reproductive type. Therefore, reproduction is very easy. The Blue Dream shrimps interact very peaceful with each other, which is why you don't have to separate the parents from the young. After an egg-bearing period of approximately 3-4 week, the female releases about 20 to 35 fully developed, independently living young. In the beginning, the baby shrimp hide from predators in moss and plants. After a few days they look for the way into the open and graze the whole aquarium for food.
By the way: All shrimps of the genus Neocaridina family can mate with each other. It does not matter whether the shrimp is yellow, blue, brown or red. It should be mentioned, that offspring from these crosses can have very severe color loss. If you want to start breeding, we would recommend reading the crossbreeding table.
Socialization: Neocaridina shrimps are extremely calm animals and can be kept together with small fish, like dwarf catfish, species in the aquarium. It should furthermore be taken into account, that this can lead to the loss of offspring, because larger fish species see young shrimp as food. The most suitable companion for these shrimps are small fish, which manly stay at the water surface.
Food: The Neocaridina shrimps are omnivores! For your shrimp we offer the popular food sticks made of mulberry leaves and peppers. You will also find many other varieties in our store. For breeding success, we also recommend using our fine rearing food, which is distributed particularly well with the current in the tank and also reaches the small shrimp.
Substrate: For a nice contrast with the Blue Dream shrimps color, we recommend a light-colored substrate with a fine grain size. An active substrate is not necessary for this type of shrimp, but doesn’t harm them either.
Markus' comment: The Blue Dream shrimp is one of my favorite shrimps! It is amazing how blue they shine. I can especially recommend the Premium variant, which is characterized by a very good color coverage. A real blue dream!
Fact sheet about the Blue Dream shrimp (DNZ):
Scientific name: Neocaridina davidi var.
German name: Blue Dream Garnele
Origin: Asian-German offspring
Life expectancy: Approximately 2 years
Size: Approximately 2-3 cm
Reproduction: Easy
Aquarium size: At least 10 liters
Difficulty: Easy
Water parameters:
Temperature: 18-25 °C
PH: 7-8
GH: 1-30
KH: 1-30
Temperatur: 18-28 °
PH: 7-8
KH: 3-30
GH: 3-30
Wasserwerte in unserer Anlage:
Temperatur: 20-23 °
PH: 7,0-7,5
Leitwert: 350-500 microsiemens
Angaben zur Produktsicherheit:
Garnelencenter Lemgo
Markus Schultz
Twelenkämpe 29
32657 Lemgo
Sehr schöne Tiere
Alle Tiere kamen super verpackt und putzmunter an. Sie haben eine tolle blaue Farbe. Bestelle hier bestimmt bald wieder. Vielen Dank.
Blue Dream
Wunderschöne Tiere... tolles blau!!! Versand war auch alles reibungslos und sie sind wohlauf!! Gerne wieder :)
Super tolle Tiere, vielen Dank!
Diese Farbe ist einfach nur der Wahnsinn! Die Garnelen sind sehr agil und ein Blickfang für jedes Becken.
Super verpackt und zum Wohl der Tiere erst versendet, als die Temperaturen nicht mehr ganz so eisig waren. Finde ich wirklich klasse!
Top jederzeit wieder
Hammer Tiere schöne Farbe top Verpackung, alle Tiere sind sehr fit
blau, was für ein blau
Sehr gut verpackt & Lieferung zum Wunschtermin, Danke!
Die Garnelen haben ein wunderschönes Blau, sind gesund & munter, keine Ausfälle!
Alles super. ..
Ich war 1. Besteller. ..
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Tolle, gesunde und wunderhübsche Tiere.
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sehr schöne blues
1 mal bestellt!
heute kahm das paket mit den blue dreams an,sehr schöne größe,schönes leuchtendes Blau!sehr agil und sehr neugierig die kleinen *G*
die gruppe wird aufjedenfall aufgestockt,mit dieser schönen farbe!nächste bestellung volgt bald :)
Sehr schöne Tiere bekommen,verpackung und Versand waren Klasse und schnell